Advocacy Projects
Run Minnesota advocates on behalf of runners in Minnesota. Here are some actions we recently have been involved with.
Is there a project or a cause in your area we should be aware of? Send us an email.
Minnesota Running Industry Task Force
To support the Minnesota running event industry to safely return to the production of events that provide healthy opportunities for the people who run in them and for the communities where they take place.
Just Drive Day
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month and we encourage everyone to make the commitment to be a safe driver: Eyes on the road, Hands on the wheel, Mind on the task of driving. Every day in the U.S., 9-10 people are killed and over 1,000 are injured in distracted driving crashes. By raising awareness and working together as a community we can save lives.
The Midtown Greenway Coalition
A coalition of neighborhoods, organizations, and individuals who love the Midtown Greenway and want to protect and enhance it. Our mission is to empower communities to develop, improve, protect, and enjoy the Midtown Greenway as a green urban corridor to improve people’s lives.
Dangerous Trail Crossings
MDRA has been engaged in the trail improvements to enhance the runner experience around Lake Harriet and Bde Maka Ska and provided feedback to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board for their improvements to the trails.
However, despite years of planning and engagement, not everything was constructed perfectly. An MDRA member, Ryan Albu, noticed that a stop sign on the south side of Harriet at a trail connection to Minnehaha Parkway was moved to another intersection, making the trail crossing uncontrolled. Ryan alerted MDRA about this safety issue and we immediately contacted the Park Board. Within a month, they had replaced the stop sign at the trail crossing, ensuring that pedestrians have a safer crossing.
Rochester Running Club
The Rochester Running Club (previously known as the Rochester Track Club) successfully lobbied the Rochester City Council and Parks Department to reconsider their plan to “pave” the 91 year old free public track. Run Minnesota wrote letters in support and provided free promotion about the “Save the Track” call to action.
Dakota Rail Trail
Run Minnesota wrote a letter of support of funding the Dakota Rail Trail extension from the Carver–McLeod county line to Hutchinson.
Save the River Bottoms
A group dedicated to helping preserve the Mississippi River Bottoms.